Margot's Cat  Shop


Hi! my name is Margot Ayers (It has a silent T.) and I love cats! you might have figured that out. By the way I have 2 cats, 1 is named Escape and the other is Luna. So I decided to make this WEBSITE!  It is a store where you can shop and I will deliver it to you! my cats work at my shop and can be a little silly with the packing... But I hope that you can find something you want!    -Thank you!-

Perler beads

Perler beads are things that I make and can be anything you want! the small is 1.00$ The medium is 2.00 and the large is 4.00$ 


Bracelets are a classic and I make them myself! They are 2.00 each!


Pillows are 10.00 each and are a decent size. 



I make stickers that are costume and you can pick them out on google for 2.00$ And I have stickers that are 1.00$ that are not costume.